Our Range of Awards in
The Care Certificate
3 day
3 year certificate
Up to 14 people
all inclusive
Course Factsheet
all Courses
Who is it for?
Workplaces in the health and social care sector that require training in all of the standards of the care certificate in one three day format. This in-house instructor-led course is for up to 14 people and will cover all 15 standards.
Course Content
Understand your role
Your personal development
Duty of care
Equality and diversity
Work in a person centred way
Privacy and dignity
Fluids and nutrition
Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disabilities
Safeguarding adults
Safeguarding children
Basic life support
Health and safety
Handling information
Infection prevention and control
Multiple choice theory question papers on each of the 15 standards
External Accreditation
Action Point Training is an approved awarding centre to deliver accredited training. External accreditation is available for this course. Please get into contact as additional costs will apply.
Additional Notes
For more information on each of the 15 care certificate standards please visit the appropriate page on this website. All the information will be detailed for your perusal.