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Training During and Beyond COVID-19

Action Point Training

What is the current situation for first aid provision?

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has stated that employers should review their first aid needs assessment and maintain adequate first aid provision for those continuing to operate in the workplace.

To support employers with maintaining adequate first aid provision during COVID-19, the HSE has provided some helpful guidance. This includes extending the validity of Emergency First Aid and First Aid at Work certificates where requalification training is prevented for reasons associated directly with COVID-19, or by complying with related government advice. This applies to certificates expiring on or after 16 March 2020.

What is the current situation for early years first aid provision?

The Department for Education (DfE) have modified the EYFS statutory framework in response to changes in the workforce. This includes the requirement for at least one person with a full Paediatric First Aid (PFA) certificate to be on the premises at all times where there are children below the age of 2. However, if there are children aged 2-5 within a setting, providers must use their ‘best endeavours’ to ensure one person with a full Paediatric First Aid (PFA) certificate is on-site when children are present.

Additionally, if PFA certificate requalification training is prevented for reasons associated directly with COVID-19, or by complying with related government advice, the validity of current certificates can be extended by up to 3 months. This applies to certificates expiring on or after 16 March 2020. Click here for more information from Department of Education.

Can I undertake first aid training online?

First aid training that is delivered solely online is not permitted by the HSE or DfE.

What about planning for the future?

It’s currently unknown when social distancing measures will be lifted and normal training procedures can resume. However, with socially distanced first aid training guidance, blended learning options for first aid and complete remote delivery options for other qualifications, we will find a way forward. Like with many industries, the training industry is taking everything one step at a time and awaiting the appropriate advice from the UK government.

Remember, while we cannot undertake group training, you can still undertake online training. Take advantage of the downtime and undertake wide range of online training at this link.

Stay Safe and Healthy The Action Point Training Team

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