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Our training environments after removal of COVID-19 restrictions

Action Point Training

Updated: Nov 23, 2022

Following the removal of COVID-19 restrictions from the government at the end of February 2022, we thought we would update our clients with how we will be updating the training environment going forward.

Action Point Training is keen to ensure that we have a free and fulfilling training environments that learners can engage with the trainer. We also want to ensure that we maintain a hygienic and safe standard as we return to a 'new' normal in the post COVID-19 world.

Sanitising Station Each training environment will continue to have a sanitising station for learners to make good use of. The sanitising station will contain alcohol hand gel, special wipes and disinfectant sprays. Learners will be encouraged to use these after each session or break.

Face Coverings Although there is no legal requirement to wear face coverings, learners are more than welcome to wear a face mask if they so wish. We are happy to work with our clients to ensure all learners including the trainer wear masks if this is a measure that is deemed important.


We will be continuing to ensure that all training environments are well ventilated either through natural ventilation (open windows/doors) or through mechanical ventilation (air handling/fans/ducts).

Blended Training Option Action Point Training does still offer blended learning if the client wished to limit the number of face to face training hours.

We welcome any queries or questions from our customers. Call us on 0330 133 2165 or email

The Team at Action Point Training

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